Ambassador and Business Trainer for Easy Mobile Home Ambassadors – Svetlana Popel

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Svetlana Popel ambassador Easy Mobile Home

Svitlana became a member of the first Ambassadors’ program. She successfully completed the training and enthusiastically expressed her desire to improve the training course. This became a new beginning in her career and for the Easy Mobile Home company.

In fact, this often happens. The company’s team consists of real professionals and people who are willing to learn, improve their skills, and acquire new professions. Therefore, we are ready to improve and develop in all our manifestations.

Svitlana has worked as a teacher and trainer all her life. She has a psychological education and had her successful business in Ukraine before the war.

Her experience is inspiring:

In 1997, she graduated from a pedagogical university in Vinnytsia (Ukraine), and immediately became a teacher of psychology and pedagogy at the Music College of Culture and Arts named after Mykola Leontovich. She worked there until 2008, gained powerful experience, created an incredible atmosphere among the students, and was recognized as a professional of the highest category.

Svitlana has repeatedly participated in international conferences, for example, in 2004, she became a speaker on the topic “Aesthetics in psychological and pedagogical activities” and in 2005, “Development of creative abilities of a person – a condition for successful learning”.

Svitlana Popil is the author of eidetic and mnemonic books and manuals, which are hugely popular in Ukraine.

In 2009, she founded and opened the FIRST personality development center in Vinnytsia (Ukraine) and was a successful leader and business owner until 2021. She performed administrative work and managed the center perfectly, conducted psychological trainings on personal development and self-confidence, corrected children’s behavior, practiced techniques for developing memory, attention, and imagination. She conducted sales training for colleagues and business partners.

Svitlana has a vast teaching experience, and her opinion was listened to by professionals. She lectured at the Institute for the Improvement of Teachers and Cultural Workers.

One of the most interesting topics for research for Svitlana is still the psychology of interpersonal relationships.

The terrifying reality of war forced her to leave her home and move to the north of Spain, in the city of Ferrol. It is here where the main office of Easy Mobile Home 🏡 is located, where Svitlana currently works.

There is never enough experience, especially when time moves at an enormous speed. Svitlana dreams of a house by the ocean. She learns and conducts training for ambassadors every day. The group that attends her training considers Svitlana to be a professional in her field. Using all the possibilities of Easy Mobile Home 🏡, Svitlana has created a unique training program called “Ecological Sales of Ecological Houses”.

The entire team is impressed by Svitlana’s sincerity and perseverance. She used her experience to start her New Life.

But in fact, her talents are not limited to training programs alone. Every day Svitlana challenges herself and learns to create her own world with love. She finds a lot of inspiration in embroidery, takes care of and loves dogs, and is the owner of world champion dogs from Spain, Hungary, Moldova, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Ukraine…

Everything she loves, she transforms into Life, and everything she lives with, she transforms into Love!

We welcome Svitlana Popel to the Easy Mobile Home family!

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