Anything is possible with Easy Mobile Home



15-years experienced exterior and interior designer with a degree in decorative and applied arts.

The use of different textures, materials, colors gives us a feeling of inspiration and breathing. Looking at Evelina’s projects, you see this world as beautiful and harmonious. It would seem that most projects are in the style of minimalism, nothing superfluous, but no. See how harmoniously each detail fits in, which creates an image of completeness. How her unique design solution makes the facade simple, but with a twist, makes the interior light and cold, but with the addition of warm tones for comfort, beauty and taste.
Evelina Misesina is able to display the whole inner world of a person in his external display of the interior of the house.
Everything perfect is simple. And everything simple has its own handwriting, details and taste.


12-years experienced interior designer.

When it comes to interior design, HoReCa commercial facilities, creating individual interiors (private houses, apartments, apartments), conceptual interiors, you want to fall into the hands of a professional, such as Olha Kundyk.
Through the prism of Olha’s experience and many different projects, we can observe diverse emotions in ourselves when looking at interior designs.
They range from feeling luxury and pomposity to simplicity, lightness and inspiration. Interior design using green hues and natural elements such as plants helps us feel more connected to our surroundings and creates a sense of calm and harmony. Green tones that remind us of forests and meadows evoke a sense of peace and balance. Inspiration comes when you live in the comfort created by Olha Kundyk.


10-years experienced architect, exterior & interior designer

“If a drawing doesn’t look good in black and white, it won’t look good in other colors,” says designer and illustrator Tammi Hoeneveld.
Following this, what the Architect and Designer Tatyana Sova creates can be called real art, a kiss of color and shade, a magical touch of day and night and the harmony of the world of depth.
Tatyana manages to create harmonious and attractive spaces, evoke pleasant sensations and emotions. White and black are probably the most important colors in her design, as without them it is impossible to depict light and shadow.
Tatyana is a designer guided by her inner voice. She sees with her soul, feels people with all the cells of her body, and carries her mission of purity and harmony into each project.


13-years experienced exterior & interior designer

Many people believe in coincidences in life – events that happen without any reason or logical connection. But in fact, if you look at life from the other side, you can understand that everything happens for a reason, and nothing is accidental.
It can be called an accidental meeting between Viktoriia and Easy Mobile Home, but in fact the Universe simply brought us and a person together for the sake of common goals and values. „I am sure that when people are united by values, such meetings are not accidental“ – Viktoriia Kurhan.
The designs of this talented and purposeful person cause admiration and inspiration. Viktoriia’s elements in projects are water, fire and air. She can skillfully use these elements in the interior and exterior, giving the design harmony and sophistication.
She feels the power and energy of nature elements and combines them perfectly with people’s lives.