Prior to founding her company, Olesia Bohm built a successful career as a psychologist and worked in 27 countries around the world. She is a cosmopolitan and an unstoppable traveler.
She holds a master’s degree in psychology, and has worked for 15 years as a practicing family psychologist, coach, author, and trainer in international programs and projects. She has written many books (the most famous being “My uncensored thoughts about you”), scientific and journalistic articles (including in well-known Ukrainian journals such as HARVED, MIX, and FORBES).
Olesia is the author of 282 trainings on qualitative harmonious life improvement, confidence building, effective communication with oneself and the world, team building in companies, personal growth trainings, and family programs. She is also a co-author of the most controversial female training program “Women who play games.”
In Ukraine, she provided counseling services as a family psychologist on issues such as forming relationships, strengthening relationships, overcoming difficulties, divorce, love triangles, co-dependent relationships, calculating love, etc.
She also helped children in early development centers “Kidean” and “Lyalya”. She worked both individually and in groups, dedicating a lot of time to working with autistic children and indigo children. She was a specialist in behavior correction and the formation of psychologically healthy personalities. She helped overcome fears in the formation of social relationships and self-presentation.
Her experience includes work in systemic family arrangements based on the methodology of the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. She has held several dozen retreats and is an expert in breathing practices. She also worked separately with pregnant women and attended childbirth as a support and spiritual friend. During her lifetime, Olesia wrote and conducted over 300 transformational games. She also became the host of the transformational game “Satori,” the author of which is the founder of the radical forgiveness movement, Colin Tipping.
In addition, Olesia is a graduate of the Grace modeling agency and has repeatedly represented the clothing of the fashion house “Panna” (Ukraine-Italy) on the catwalks during fashion weeks in cities throughout Ukraine.
Since 2016, Olesia has been a certified mentor of the “Honest Service Factory” project and an active participant in bringing service standards of projects to a new European level. Since then, service has been of special importance to her! She is an active initiator of the best service and values in the company Easy Mobile Home and continues to take on the mission of training the team in this direction.
Olesia has experience in joint projects with the OSCE, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, and other state structures of Ukraine. She holds the rank of police captain, values honesty and dedication to the cause and mission of life.
Thanks to her active civic position, Olesia has entered the TOP 100 most influential women in Ukraine.
In 2018, Olesia moved to Hungary and became a happy wife and unofficial ambassador of Peace. Later, she received the title of Honorary Artist of Ukraine and opened her own online painting gallery in Hungary.
As a hobby, she enjoyed studying Chinese and French languages, constantly improving her English, and receiving additional education in photography at New York University.
Olesia realized the global nature of the ecological situation on the planet and climate change, and began her own transformation, changing her life philosophy – she became a conscious vegan. Inspired by these changes, she completed many culinary courses of the most famous vegan chefs, as well as a course in molecular cuisine at Harvard University. Combining creativity, Olesia painted many edible pictures using vegan food products.
But in February 2022, the lives of all Ukrainians changed. The war began. Olesia and her husband opened the doors of their home to people fleeing the war. More than 180 families found shelter there. Saving people from depression, she conducted a lot of therapeutic work with refugees, but their fear was rooted in a state of “no job and uncertainty” about how to provide for their families in a new country.
In Olesia’s family, discussions began on how to give people job opportunities and provide financial support. Together with her husband and like-minded people, they organized a social enterprise, which they called “Peaceful Job”.
Thanks to Facebook, a fateful meeting with Mykola, who had extensive experience as a company manager, took place. This marked the beginning of the journey towards opening the company Easy Mobile Home 🏡 The political situation in Hungary facilitated a change of country of residence, and the company was opened on November 24, 2022 in Ferrol, a city located on the northern coast of the ocean in Spain.
Olesia became the guardian of Easy Mobile Home’s 🏡 mission and values. She knows what people, the world, and the planet need. Together with her partners, Olesia became the founder not only of the ecological construction company “New Time” but also the initiator of the global movement “Eco Follower.”For Olesia Bohm, being in Easy Mobile Home is a mission of serving people. On this path, she wants to coexist in love and peace with all living beings in the main home of all earthlings – Planet Earth! In order to do this, she completely changed her life and works every day according to the main law – Conscience. This is the guarantee of a sacred life that is not separated from the universe or God. This helps her tirelessly move forward and realize her sacred calling.